Sunday, March 28, 2010

Keeping Our Feet on the Ground ................

It seems a silly statement to make, but even though we walk upon the face of the earth and cannot do anything else due to the effects of gravity, do we think about this aspect or take it completely for granted? And is that the only meaning to 'keeping our feet on the ground'??
There are thoughts about this by "them, those, they" - I have yet to meet all or any of this esteemed group of people whom have been rendered the award of 'totalitarian authority' on all things in the balance of debate and understanding in the minds and views of humanity - and am astounded by how much credence is given to "t,t,t" and how little we, us, me and you think about such things and then how little we voice our opinions. Surely we should think about and deliberate and conclude for ourselves the deeper aspects of questions or statements such as 'keeping our feet on the ground'.
For me, at the moment, it is getting up in the morning and being aware that I can do that - get up in the morning! (That is another totally different discussion - one for the future). Then it is the simple tasks of ablutions, dressing, coffee/breakfast, and off to work. Work the nine hour day and back to my abode, eating, ablutions, relaxation and bed to start all over again when the new day begins!
Now that might sound very boring to some of you and I have to say right here that the truth (my truth in my life) is what will always be on this blog, whether you like it or not, even though I will always listen to, acknowledge, understand and respect that you will probably have a different opinion. And that is one of the fundamental points to this. We do not have to be all the same and actually shouldn't be, as we are all individual and we might agree on some things and totally disagree on others, but that doesn't mean that we are either right or wrong, it means that we differ!
So, keeping our feet on the ground - being realistic in the circumstances that we find ourselves!
I would love to hear from you, if you find that you have the time to 'voice' an opinion or have something that you would like to contribute. If not, then I just want to say thanks for popping in anyway and have an absolutely fantastic day and may the ground that you are walking on with your feet rise up to greet you!

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